A “cookie” is a simple text file that is downloaded from the computer (or any other device used to browse) to store information related to the browsing of a given site. Cookies are downloaded from the Web Server that hosts the site and downloaded from browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.) used by the end user. These files therefore reside on the user’s device and are used/read during subsequent visits to the site.


This type of cookie allows the proper functioning of certain sections of the site. They can be of two types:

These cookies, always sent from our domain, are required to view the site and in relation to technical services offered, will thus be increasingly used and sent, unless users change the settings in their browser (thus invalidating the viewing of site pages). These cookies are used exclusively for the correct functioning of the site; for this reason, there is no obligation to request consent. However, the notice of their use is displayed via a banner on the site.

Cookies in this category are used to collect information on the use of the site. These are web analytics cookies and those that store the user’s site customisation choices. These cookies have been deemed non-invasive for the user’s private sphere if the site collects anonymous data and analysed in aggregate form; for this reason, many Guarantors, including the Italian one, have included these cookies4 in the general category of technical cookies. 

This type of cookie integrates functionality developed by a third party to internal pages of the site as icons and preferences expressed in social networks in order to share the contents of the site or for the use of third-party software services (such as software to generate maps and additional software that offers additional services). These cookies are sent from third-party domains and partner sites that offer their functionalities through the pages of a site.

Cookies needed to create user profiles in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by users in internal pages of the website. For this type of cookie, the user must be able to express consent for their use.


The cookies used by the site are indicated below:


Cookies may be limited or blocked through specific browser settings. Thus, if users intend not to store some cookies on their computer, they can appropriately configure their web browser. In fact, users may choose to block all cookies or just some specific ones. At any time, users may choose to delete the cookies stored on their browsing device. The settings must be changed separately in each browser and computer used.

If cookies have been blocked, proper functioning of the website may not be guaranteed. In fact, some functions may not be available and it may no longer be possible to view some pages.

Each browser has different procedures for managing settings. Users may obtain specific instructions through the links below:

Microsoft Internet Explorer:

Google Chrome:

Mozilla Firefox:

Apple Safari:

With regard to flash cookies, you can change your settings by visiting the following link: flash cookie settings. For information on the cookies stored on your terminal and to deactivate them individually, refer to the link: Your online choice

You can prevent Google Inc. from detecting and reading cookies generated by the site by downloading and installing this plug-in for your browser: 


On this site there are third-party cookies as identified in the table in the paragraph “TYPES OF COOKIES USED BY THIS SITE”.

Below is a list of the third parties who install their own cookies through the Site, together with a reference to the respective privacy policies to which reference is made. In fact, we recall that these subjects are independent data processing controllers of the data collected through the cookies served by them and, therefore, the same can be managed and deactivated in the manner indicated in the respective policies.


Given the dynamic nature of the web, it is not always possible to be able to control the cookies that are stored by third parties through a website.

Users are therefore requested to notify our references of the presence of a cookie of this type not present in the list provided above.

This text may need to be changed. We are therefore authorised to change the contents of the policies and the cookies indicated in the list at any time and without notice. The most up-to-date version may be consulted in this text.